Is your intellectual rational mind helping you, or hindering you ?

Intellectuals and Thinkers on duty should always remember that the rational mind is the helper, instead of the leader.

From the self knowledge point of view, the rational mind can be an important ally on your process of encountering with yourself, but firstly it is necessary to know and to train your mind, so it can assist you.

It is not necessary to eliminate the rational mind, instead it is necessary to teach your mind to serve you as a guide on the returning journey to your Essence.

When you exercise too much your intellectual/rational mind, it ends up tying you onto paradigms, beliefs and preconceptions that prevent your evolution and inner peace.

If the rational mind doesn't learn how to play its role of helper, it will take the lead and may work on the opposite direction taking you further and further from your truth, your essence, your SELF.

History has shown us that the Enlightenment movement from Europe in the XVIII century, the approach was towards development and value of human reasoning as the unique way of existence. With the well-known phrase by René Descartes, “I think, therefore I am”, this concept has been profoundly influencing the western societies profoundly for centuries.

On the other hand, the Eastern Philosophies show us that the act of not thinking makes it possible for us to connect with a subtler and unlimited existence. Basically, it is as if by not thinking you could eliminate the blockages generated by the rational mind, this way you can enter on a deeper vibration of existence, more ethereal.

This does not mean that we must not think, reason, learn things, gather information, analyse, etc. All these abilities are functions of the rational mind, therefore it would be impossible to eliminate totally these functions which are important on our daily life.

However, it is highly advisable that these functions may be harmonized with our deepest essential being if we are to achieve an optimum performance as well as having inner peace.  

In this sense, we can make an effort to learn and train this harmonization.

Of course, depending on one’s personality and their habits, some people will have more facility developing this harmonization. In fact, some people are more naturally intellectual and rational than others, and because of that it can become more difficult, as these intellectual people tend to hook in to their worldly knowledge, thoughts and ideas.

For those who tend to be excessively of rationality, let us remember the famous phrase by Shakespeare : "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."   

Bringing this phrase to our modernity, we could say that "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Than can comprehend our limited intellectual knowledge and data storage" as ample as it may seem. ;-)

Independently of the storage capacity of the brain, we will never be able to know everything!  That's why the wise ones KNOW that they DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. 

The importance of understanding and training the rational mind is paramount so we will be able to choose, consciously, when to silence allowing our own connection with a subtler and deeper part of our being, bringing not only inner peace, but also a profound wisdom.

Basically the rational mind needs to know the task in hand and develop skills, but it is the inner wisdom that gives us the most wise directions and guidance.   Get it ?! ;-)   This will not only bring inner peace but also, a well of deep wisdom. It's a very comfortable place to be at, and very pleasant to, I assure you.
The quantity and precision of the information is not what makes someone intelligent. This is only one of the abilities of the rational mind, that is, intelligence. Isn’t it fantastic the help internet can lend to the people who are not very good memory holders?! ;-)

If only the educational system could comprehend this... Well, this is a topic for another article... sometime when the divine wisdom inspires so. ;-)

Back to the main topic, once this connection with the inner wisdom happens, then the rational mind can assume the helper role in the processes of organization and presentation of the ideas originated from this inner wisdom, so they can be expressed and made concrete.

We, however, tend to invert the roles and functions of our minds, because socially we are made to believe that “I think, therefore I exist”; and the rational mind which was supposed to be the helper become the leader !!  That's a call for total disaster (confusion, stress, anxiety, low self esteem, burnout, depression ---- you name it) 

As a matter of fact, however rational the intellectual mind may sound, it tends to be full of paradigms, misunderstandings, misinterpretations, pre-conceptions, misconceptions, prejudices, distortions, bias, bla-bla-bla; also emotions which are mixed altogether, however unconscious that may be. All these can get so mixed up together that it is difficult to know if the information is pure and truthful or if it is taken by fear, prejudices, bias and emotions. (?!?)

Oftentimes, the wisest decisions are made based on ideas originated from this space that goes beyond the intellectual and rational thoughts.

By quietening the rational mind and keeping it on its helper role, it is possible to connect with this ethereal* space of insights and profound wisdom.

Dear intellectuals and thinkers on duty, don’t worry , when you train to get some rest for you precious rational mind , which is so very important in order to make "dreams" come true, you will be putting your brilliant intellectual mind forward for the most meaningful and beautiful ideas to come to life.

On such a intensely abundant informative era, we can live in a nebulous mental reality, if we are not careful enough to give ourselves some time to filter the information and breathe...

Yes, breathe...

Notice how the breathing affects the mind and the construction of thoughts. 

Notice when you are in the middle of a 'little story' in your mind, or a massive and stressful TO DO list, and as you completely breathe out, letting go of all the air from your lungs, that 'little story' dissipates. "TO DO lists" tend to be trickier !  :-S   Usually making a list on the PAPER, rather than let it float in your mind, helps ! :-D  

When you learn how to sit (or move, for the matter) for a QUIET - "ME - MOMENT", and just breath OUT than slowly IN again, and so on for a few minutes, the mind starts to clear.  ...Ahhhh...  ... as you breathe out deeply, the mind gets empty and releases all those unnecessary thoughts.  Don't worry! you will not let go of the important ideas and thoughts. These won't escape ! On the contrary, you will be giving your mind the chance to filter the ideas and thoughts that are really important - to you - for the moment being.

Therefore, relax!! When you empty your mind, you will not lose your brilliant ideas and thoughts. In fact, by discharging the 'little stories', you are usually getting rid of concerns and fantasies which don't serve you; they are only filling the emptiness... that is what a uncontrolled mind does - it takes over YOU! 

Without noticing, we hold or shorten our breath when we are creating worries. Yes... we create worries all the time!  :-/  or we create fantasies, make believe, inner narratives that have nothing to do with our innermost truth, neither the outer reality !!  

Do you realize what the act of release your thoughts through Pranayamas** can do for your mind?

Once you learn how to liberate your mind, it will work more efficiently on the practical matters of your daily life. Besides, it can also become more open for real meaningful creativity. 

The mind is perfectly capable of keeping and nurturing the ideas, thoughts and resolutions that are valid and useful for you. However, when we overload our mind it gets confused, entangled, blocked, hindered and tense, somehow becoming a trouble creating machine.

Let's imagine the RAM memory of your computer is overloaded. It won't work as sharply, right? Using this same analogy, the computer would be the rational mind and you, as the person working on it, would be your deeper self. Now, imagine if your computer wants to take over you and not follow your commands, but have a life of its own !! Crazy, isn't it??! 

Quietening exercises, meditative activities and the breathing control assist on the organization of the mind and, consequently, helping the mind to work more efficiently and healthily.

What about getting to know and look after your mind?

  • Practice introspection, moments of silence and meditative activities;
  • Learn and pay careful attention to the kind of thoughts that occupy or go through your mind;
  • Relax and rest your mind, seeking serenity and tranquillity;
  • Be responsible for the kind of information and knowledge you are nurturing your mind. Seek to nurture your mind with the kind of knowledge that elevates the state of your spirits;
  • Avoid over indulgence on Media - Television, radio, magazines and newspapers - which tends to work as a "mass manipulative" tool and also overwhelms the rational mind;
  • Choose wisely your diet, avoiding to eat foods that over stimulate the mind (especially refined sugars and sweets, caffeine, among others);
  • Don't utilize substances that alter your consciousness (drugs legal or illegal).

Well, after writing and editing this article, I guess I need to go for a walk, get some fresh air and rest my rational mind. After all, it has worked a lot for today. J

Namaste. _/\_

*ethereal = immaterial, intangible, celestial, spiritual, divine.
** Pranayamas = Yoga breathing exercises.


By getting to know yourself:

You get to know your own inherent potentials and challenges.

You can focus more on what is really important to your life. You become more aware of your purpose in life.

You expand the possibility of finding realization in your life.

You become more equipped to deal with the challenging and difficult situations that life presents to you and you can even avoid attracting stressful unnecessary situations to your life.

You can become more aware of your own thinking, emotional, and behavioral patterns and also your instinctive reactions to people and circumstances.

You can understand better the way how you relate to people, helping you to improve your relationships (partnerships, in the family, at work, friendships, etc.).

You take charge of the power for self transformation. 

The most important person in the world for you to know is YOURSELF.

For you to be able to become the change you want to see in the world, firstly you must know yourself.

Namaste _/\_