Yvani has been practicing one-to-one consultations since 2012.

The fusion of Astrology and Numerology supported by her background in Psychology, in addition to the therapeutic experiences in which she had the opportunity to participate, led her to find a tool that she considers to be of valuable help.

The consultations are recommended for people who wish a better understanding of themselves and their relationships achieving a more holistic appreciation of their life. 

Yvani's aim is to offer insights and inspiration for a broader and possibly more meaningful  perspective.

It was with the Astrologer and Psychotherapist Ana Maria Laraia that Yvani had her first serious experience with Astrology in 1999.

Soon after graduating in Psychology (2004 - UNIVAS - Pouso Alegre -BR), Yvani left the country and came to live in the UK, which had a significant cultural influence on her outlook.

The self-taught study in Astrology began in 2007 and brought a great impact on her professional orientation, especially in the sense of expanding her understanding of life and the evolutionary development possible to all human beings.

In 2010, Numerology came to complement her studies on the energies, archetypes and patterns that influence human nature.

She participated in weekly sessions of Vital-Danza mainly with Patricia Martello and Marcelo Di Mateo (discipline based on Biodanza), in London for approximately 5 years, since 2005. 

From 2011, the practice of meditation, yoga and an interest in Eastern philosophical principles became part of her lifestyle.

She attended Gentle Yoga sessions with facilitator Celeste Prancic, in 2016. That was the beginning of her mindfulness experience.

Still with Celeste, Yvani did some Shakti Yoga Dance sessions, where she had the opportunity to connect with her naturally channeled creative source.

Such therapeutic experiences were important in her own process of self-knowledge, especially with regard to integrating her emotions and an almost tangible understanding of the 4 elements and the duality of Yin and Yang basic flow of energy.

Yvani would like to pay tribute to her parents, Ivan Prancic and Esterina S. Prancic, for being her most fundamental foundation in this journey. They have always been her rock and my beacon, never doubting her deepest values and principles. Her parents have always possessed a spiritual awareness and this in itself was of utmost importance, especially during the most difficult moments of her journey. Her mother always supported her in her education, being by her side every step of the way. And her father always encouraged a genuine seek for answers to the questions of essential life purpose. Their life examples became inspiration for her own life.