Types of Consultations:
- Consultation for Know Thyself :
Astrology and Numerology Charts Analyses
Using the guidance of these powerful tools, we can point out relevant aspects of your personality and help you connect with what is really important for YOU. Identifying what makes YOU feel more fulfilled and what are your special traits.
Although the charts cannot reveal your Nature, nor can tell how you are going to use your most particular skills, it can help you recognize your special characteristics and possible talents. So you can decide how you wish to use them and develop further your virtues.
People tend to go along life making choices based on two different qualities of mind-set: LOVE and gratitude or FEAR and discomfort. The analyses of the charts can open up for an in depth look into the kind of attitude you are operating at.
Recognizing your tendency can put you ahead of the game inspiring you face your challenges and embracing your talents with more wisdom and consciousness.
Tools: Astrology and Numerology Charts
Duration: 2 hours approx.This is the main in-depth session, where we will be looking into valuable information on your Natal Charts, in order to give an over view of main Archetypes that influence your life and your strongest patterns (e.g. behavior, emotional responses, amongst other factors).
We will also be looking at specific points that need attention for you to feel more connected with your own truth and life path.Investment = £ 70.00 (per session)
- Consultation for compatibility in a Relevant Relationship:
Compatibility of Partnership
Whilst a Know Thyself Charts Analyses help us understand more about the manner how we tend to relate to people and the kinds of relationships we are more likely to attract, a Partnership Compatibility Chart is a helpful tool to understand the patterns of a particular relationship or partnership. How we are affected by a particular Other Significant one and vice-versa.
How your relationships affect you and how transformed you are by them and vice-versa?
Some might say it’s Karma – when a relationship is hardship and difficult. Some feel more like a lucky blessing.
This analyses go way beyond the Zodiacal Match in the magazines or the Artificial Intelligence websites.
A thorough appreciation of the qualities inherent in these particular special relationships is a wonderful means to facilitate comprehension, adaptation, development or deepening your connections. This technic can work as a means to bring understanding as well as encourage the partners to ease off some relationships crisis."
Tools: Natal Chart of the two people, Synastry and Composite ChartsDuration: 2 hours approx.
This session offers an analysis of the relationship between TWO people (its affinity, potentialities and challenges). It can be useful for understanding better your personal relationships as well as work and business partnerships.Investment = £ 160.00 * (per session)* If you have already had the Initial Know Thyself session, that amount can be deducted from this price. (e.g. 160.00 minus 70.00 = 90.00) This offer applies ONLY if the Compatibility consultation involves YOU as one of the partners.
- Consultation for the Influences by Planetary Changes:
When the Planets of Changes are operative
you know that at this exact moment you are being inspired, stimulated,
influenced and maybe stirred up by the Changing Planets in the Sky ?
you are well attuned inwards, then you most likely will be observant of these
influences and changes. However, if for one reason or another, you
are not that much connected with your inner radars you won’t understand and
possibly not accept the new movements, opportunities and situations Life is
presenting to you.
you ever noticed that some people seem constantly having to adapt to new
circumstances whilst others seem like life is forever the same and all of
sudden huge transformations happen seemingly out of the blue? This
has to do with the Planets, Aspects and characteristics in the Natal Charts
paired up with the opportunities presented by the Changing Planets moving
around in the sky.
does not mean the Planets, necessarily, are forcing you to do things. Most
often, there are CHOICES to be made; on a constant play for the co-creation of
your Destiny. Planets merely present opportunities, challenges and
possibilities. You are mostly responsible for your choices, attitudes and
This consultation can assist you in making wiser choices and appreciate the triggers of the planetary movements on your Charts affecting your life’s present moment.
Tools: Astrological Transiting and Progressive and Numerology ChartsDuration : 1 hour approx.After the first consultation focusing on the self knowledge, this session can be done whenever you feel the need. For instance, when you notice you are going through an important moment in your life, and need a insight for a broader perspective or simply a bit more understanding about what you are experiencing. This session can also be interesting for when you are having your birthday.Investment = £ 50.00 (session)The duration time for each session is approximate and tends to vary slightly from person to person.
- Evaluation of Chakras Balance
Checking up the level of attention and effort on each Chakra:
According to
Ancient Sacred knowledge we have 8 main Chakras, also known as Vortex Centers.
Each of these energy centers are related so a certain type of functions and
activities in your life.
One of our
tasks and challenges in life is to keep these energy centers balanced.
When we lose
control and consequently cause unbalance on the 7 Chakras; usually putting too
much attention and effort on one or two particular Chakras in detriment of the
others; we tend to become unhealthy in the body and on the mind.
This consultation for an assessment of how much energy and attention you are concentrating on each chakra can be a valuable tool for bringing to consciousness which functions are being neglected and which are being over stimulated in your life, in support for consciously aiming for equilibrium.
Tools: This consultation does not use the Astrological Charts.
Duration : 1 hour approx.
All consultations are made virtually via video calls or in person whenever possible.
- Regular Weekly Sessions:
Duration : 1 hourInvestment = £ 45.00 / session